Tummy time for Jasmine is not the screaming torture that some baby's see it as. She seems to enjoy the challenge and works hard to make the most of it. Even before she left the hospital we'd seen her lift her head and look the opposite way once. She's very strong and loves to stand up as well. When she's first put on her tummy she can lift her head up so that her face is perpendicular to the floor, in this photo she's already starting to droop a little.
After 10 minutes or so she starts to exhaust the muscles of her upper back a bit too much and not long after she lets you know she's had enough. She's managed to roll herself over a couple of times but at the time of writing this I'd hardly say it was a regular manouver.
All this is important in developing the strength to hold her head up, for sitting, crawling and walking, so we're glad she doesn't protest as much as some babys do!
Her cooing and talking stepped up a bit yesterday too, though it's still pretty erratic at this stage. Her giggle is pretty cool as well, though we've really only heard it clearly a few times. She gets a high pitched intake of breath with it, a bit like a hiccough, but not as choked. Looking forward to more!